
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cover Stories: The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse

Lisa M. Stasse's debut young adult novel, The Forsaken, has a cover that seems to me to be a throwback and something from the future all at once. COOL. She talked to me for B&N's Unabashedly Bookish blog, and here's an exerpt from our conversation:

"The final cover of The Forsaken far exceeded my expectations! I always wanted something that reflected the sci-fi/thriller aspects of the novel, and captured the ominous feel of the book (in which the heroine is sent to a mysterious prison island). But I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just wanted something that would look really gorgeous and unique on the shelves.

"They didn't really ask for much input. But they told me early on that Lizzy Bromley would be designing the cover, which made me really excited. I had seen some of Lizzy's other covers (including Wither by Lauren DeStefano, right) so I knew that I loved her work. There are some really cool covers on her website (including a great one for the upcoming novel Level 2  by Lenore Appelhans, left)...

Read the rest of Lisa's Cover Story at Unabashedly Bookish, and check out our own Little Willow's interview with her too, where you'll find out about being a Holographic Librarian.


  1. The captcha declares, "Please prove you're not a robot." Fitting. :)

  2. "The final cover of The Forsaken far exceeded my expectations! I always wanted something that reflected the sci-fi/thriller aspects of the novel, and captured the ominous feel of the book (in which the heroine is sent to a mysterious prison island). But I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just wanted something that would look really gorgeous and unique on the shelves."sildenafil

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