
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cover Stories: Putting Makeup on Dead People by Jen Violi

Hi, look at that cover. The title alone intrigued me enough to want to red Jen Violi's debut, but that cover? I love it!

Jen's here to share the Cover Story:

"I did indeed have my own cover idea, and revealing that will also reveal why I’m a writer and not a designer.

"So, when I was little, my parents had quite a record collection, and I loved listening to so many of them, from The King and I soundtrack to Vicki Carr or Frank Sinatra or, my absolute favorite: Aunt Carmela’s Italian Favorites. So many gems on there, my favorites from Lou Monte. And the cover, priceless. Which of course I have to show you here. Please note the fabulousness of Aunt Carmela, right.

"Believe it or not, as I was writing Putting Makeup on Dead People, I had a distinct vision for the cover to feature Aunt Carmela. As an enlivened corpse. Basically, my vision involved Aunt Carmela, sitting much like she is on the chaise lounge on the album cover, but instead, on a coroner’s metal slab, with a white sheet draped over her body, sitting up and grinning out at us. Why, one might wonder, would I think that was a good idea?"

Read the rest of Jen's Cover Story at


  1. Sounds like an interesting read. I can't imagine a coroner's reaction to finding his makeup-ready corpse sitting upright, all dolled up with no place to go.

    And yup, I fondly remember listening to my parents' record collection when I was a kid. The Fifth Dimension, West Side Story, The Temptations, and Diana Ross were all staples.


  2. I don't which I love more, the cover or the title. Great post.

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