
Friday, October 21, 2011

Poetry Friday: "A Fond Farewell" by Christie Waldon


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and my dear friend Christie, I'm reposting her poem she wrote the night before her bilateral mastectomy earlier this week. Here's to all the ladies experiencing breast cancer. Share your love and support, rgz!

A Fond Farewell

At twelve you embarrassed me. I wanted to wish you away.
(I had grown up with brothers, after all, and wanted to go shirtless forever!)
But that was before.
Before I knew how fun it was to actually fill a bikini top. :-)
Before I knew how fun it was to bra shop. (NOT!)
Before I knew that when a woman sets out to lose weight, it usually starts with the boobs.
Before I was married.
Before I knew what it meant to be blessed with a body part that could actually sustain life.
Before I knew that someday I'd lose you.

And so, on this mastectomy eve, I will say "Thank You."
Thank you for appearing out of nowhere that summer before 6th grade.
Thank you for holding up my strapless wedding dress.
Thank you for faithfully producing life-sustaining, fat-roly-thigh nourishment to my three precious babies.
Thank you for pointing the way all these years. (Hahaha, I crack me up!))
Most recently, thank you for showing me what gravity actually looks like.
Thank you.
Though you never defined me, you did accent me.
I will miss you.

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Lorie. I hope your friend is recovering well.

  2. Sending lots of strength to you, Christie!

  3. Christie--I'm sending lots of love and good wishes your way. You sound like a tough lady, and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


  4. This made me tear up, both because of its sweetness and toughness. Thank you, Christie. I've spent too much time criticizing my own body, and not enough time appreciating it.

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