
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

rgz NYC Host: Hudson Valley YA Society event at Oblong Books!

This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of speaking at Oblong Books & Music in Rhinebeck, NY, alongside fellow YA author Nova Ren Suma
Those of you who follow @Literaticat on twitter are probably already familiar with her young adult reading series (and if you’re not, you should be!), so I shouldn’t have to tell you that it was a real thrill to be included in her line-up. It was particularly special to be reading and presenting alongside Nova. Nova and I first met when we were working as a copyeditor and book editor, respectively, at a children’s publishing imprint, and we quickly bonded over our “secret” writing aspirations. We shared early frustrations, and were around to celebrate big-time triumphs. These days, we’re both riding the highs and lows of finishing up the second manuscripts on our book contracts, which we often do together, with the aid of much caffeine and baked goods. It goes without saying I’m a HUGE fan of her work.
Thanks again to everyone who came out to chat with us about all things young adult. And thanks to Oblong for having us!


  1. Ahh... so wish I could have been there! Such a cool event!

  2. You'll have to arrange a reading there for fall - such a great store!

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