
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What say you: Books or E-readers?

Hey readergirlz,

Just curious as to how you are doing most of your reading right now. Are you sticking to paper or are you downloading your favorite reads?

Are you Kindle lovers or do you HAVE to have color on your iphone, ipad, or Nook? Thanks for sharing, then get back to that book!

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. BOTH. I have a Nook but not a color and I love it. Also, I never buy e-books. I either get them for free or check them out from the library.

  2. normally stick to books unless I'm traveling.

  3. Both! Love my kindle for travel and for space-saving! But I like to be able to collect and keep my favorite books on shelves.

  4. I love my NC! I get a ton of egalleys now. I'm trying to alternate so I read on on my NC and then a pbk or hardcover from my TBR pile.

  5. Paper books...partially because I don't have an ereader, but that in turn is partially because I prefer paper ones.

  6. I have both a kindle and a ton of regular books. I really only use the kindle if I'm on the go or if someone sends me an early PDF to read... I'm still a paper girl.

  7. I have to stick with tradition - books. I love all the cool features on e-readers, but I just don't feel the same holding a piece of tech in my hands as I do with a book. Plus I can't fill up my shelves and home with e-readers :)

  8. Me and Melissa. We think identically on this one!

  9. I'm definitely sticking with physical books. I just love the feel of an actual book in my hand and flipping the pages and everything. Digital just isn't the same. :)

  10. I love physical books, and own literally thousands, but my eyesight is so bad anymore that my iPad has become my reading method of choice. I literally would have to stop reading anything but large print without it. And that would be SAD.

  11. I love my nook color but I rarely buy the books. I too download them from my local library. I'm still pretty partial to books though because if I drop it, I'm not really concerned about breaking it. I am super careful with my nook.

  12. As a lit. specialist who works with teens - I love paper books that I can finish and pass on... the e-reader can't quite do that yet.

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