
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rock the Drop: Photo Op!

So, I just Rocked the Drop! I dropped Ellen, Maureen, Siobhan, and Samantha. They are all awaiting to be found and loved at Pierce College.

It's hard for me to drop! Does that happen to anyone else? I have to use an accomplice. Is it because I am shy? It was easier to drop books I didn't author, I noticed.

Another year, another drop. Cheers!

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. This is probably one of the best drops! The person who finds this is so lucky!

  2. Yeah, I kept having ppl ask if I authored the books I dropped and it was easier to say no (these are just books I enjoyed and wanted to pass on to another reader).

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