
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

White Cat: Characters with Compassion

This week's focus is on Holly Black's White Cat and it's an excellent representation of this month's theme: Compassion. Cassel is a character with great compassion in the midst of a cold, calculating, con-artist family.

For discussion: If you've read White Cat, how do you think Cassel developed his own deep compassion in this harsh setting?

And, in general, what books have you read where a character has great compassion, and how did it shape the story?


  1. HUNGER GAMES is a good example of compassion - Katniss shows it against her fellow competitors at times, and in ways that demonstrate to us how she struggles to stay loyal to a moral code amidst untenable circumstances.

  2. Ah, so much compassion in HUNGER GAMES--when Katniss put the flowers on Rue I nearly lost it.

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