
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cover Stories: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Kiersten White's Paranormalcy has a gorgeous, dark cover with lots of movement. Here she is to tell the story of how it came about:

"I went in knowing that authors don't have much say in covers so I really didn't have anything specific in mind. In fact, my editor asked me for ideas and I was like, 'Wait, what?? I have no ideas!' I didn't want to get attached to an image and then be disappointed in what ended up being used.

"That being said, I did have several things I didn't want. My greatest fear was that the cover would be hot pink and feature a headless torso.

"The one idea I had was two arms crossing the cover and holding hands in the middle--one glowing slightly, and one a nearly invisible outline, to represent the two main characters. I'm really, really glad they didn't listen to that. I also suggested a hand rising out of a grave and a pink booted foot standing on it, but it was way too Buffy-esque, and I'm again glad they didn't even consider it. At one point they told me they were playing with an extreme close up of eyes, which I liked because eyes are very important in the book.

"All along the way I was really hoping that my cover wouldn't feature a model..."

Read the rest of Kiersten's Cover Story at

PS-Here's the trailer, which makes me need it NOW.


  1. This was such a fun read - it reminded me a bit of Ally Carter in style - a little romance, humour and a lot of action. Perfect for a wintry night on the couch!

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