
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cover Stories: Freefall by Mindi Scott

Mindi Scott's debut, Freefall, has already garnered some impressive praise. The New York Journal of Books says, "In a genre overloaded with bubble-gum-pink teendom and paranormal dark fantasy full of fangs and fur, Mindi Scott's debut novel Freefall stands out as fresh, realistic, young adult fiction... sure to be one of the best contemporary young adult books of the year."

Very cool. And the cover? It's stark and mysterious. Here's Mindi to share the story:

"The day I saw my cover for the first time, I kept my Twitter followers in the loop. But I was secretive about it, so they had no idea that that's what I was doing.

"After hearing a rumor that I might be seeing the cover art, I tweeted this: 'Something cool(ish) might happen today, but it probably won't. I should really unplug the internet so I stop checking my email!'

"A little more than an hour later, my editor sent an email with the subject line 'COVER!!' In her note, she mentioned that at the meeting for the sales, publishing, and marketing team, there were literal sharp intakes of breath around the room when the cover art for Freefall was

"While preparing myself for what I was about to view, I posted this on Twitter: 'Heart is racing.'

"I clicked to download the attachment and held my breath while I waited. And then, this appeared on my screen:

Freefall 3a.jpg

"I stared at it.

"I thought: I love it!

"I thought: It's gorgeous!

"I thought: But... what does it mean?..."

Read the rest of Mindi's Cover Story at


  1. I LOVED this wonderful book - it's one of my favorites of the year. The storyline was unique, realistic and hopeful. Awesome debut, cool cover.

  2. Thanks for the cover story, Melissa! I just finished this book last week. As you know, Mindi is a fellow YA Contemp, and I loved the book. Serious subject matter handled in a non-preachy way. And a very authentic male voice. I think the cover works well to attract guy readers as well as girls.

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