
Friday, November 12, 2010

Take Action Against Hunger!

Action Against Hunger has launched a new online student contest titled Meanings of Hunger. They're asking students 18 and under to get involved in exploring an aspect of hunger that interests them. The contest is simple but has room for a lot of creativity: use the definition of hunger as inspiration to explore an aspect of hunger that interests you, with possible projects ranging from a poem or essay about hunger to a diorama of a refugee camp in Darfur. You can get more details here, and "like" them on Facebook for updates!

The contest is open until December 3rd, 2010 and will be judged on clarity of information, creativity and connection to the topic. While everyone can participate, the three highest-scoring submissions will be profiled on the ACF website and will receive a Student Activist package.

Good luck, readergirlz!


  1. Or is this just from Melissa? I can't remember! Regardless, it's a winner!

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