
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some Girls Are: What Did You Think of Regina?

This week's focus is on Courtney Summers's Some Girls Are. Courtney writes books that embody this month's theme: Resilience. Regina is a formerly popular girl who's been ousted by her so-called best friends. The brutal immediacy of Some Girls Are is riveting, and the emotional honesty at its core makes accompanying Regina on her journey a truly moving experience.

For discussion: If you've read Some Girls Are, what did you think of Regina? Like Sam in Before I Fall, she's sometimes hard to like because of her past actions.

And, in general, what books have you read where the main character grew on you over time?


  1. I haven't read this one yet, but I read Courtney's 'Cracked Up to Be' which I found had a 'difficult' protag, but she definitely grew on me. Courtney's a very talented writer!

  2. I liked her well enough. Sometimes I thought she was a little too hard on herself, thinking she deserved the cruel things that her ex friends did to her.

  3. I liked her haltingly. I was a little scared of her too. But I adored the book!

  4. I thought that the book was amazing. Courtney did an great job writing Regina because she isn't supposed to be a likable character to start with but it's easy to sympathize with her.

    It reminds me of House where he's an ass to everyone but you still love watching the show. Except, I think that Regina has more of a heart than House.

  5. Yes, I thought of Before I Fall, too. Cool comparison, Genevieve.

  6. I thought she was a great example of a flawed protagonist.

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