
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

rgz Newsflash: The Final Web Issue!

Lips Touch by 
Laini Taylor

Hey all,

We posted one last issue at the readergirlz website for now. It's a holding card for all things future. Be sure to check it out. The playlist you helped create is running, along with Things to Know About the Divas, party ideas, and community service.

Hope you like it! And dig back into the archives. They are all accessible as well.

Read, reflect, and reach out!

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. Every single one is up thanks to you, LW. *standing ovation*

  2. Wait! Where are you going?? I just found you!

  3. What an amazing job you've done on all of those issues, LW! I second the standing ovation.

    Eden, readergirlz isn't going anywhere--we've just rolled out a new format to feature more authors than ever! Hooray!

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