
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Have you checked out The Contemps yet?!

Our own divas Melissa Walker and Micol Ostow are two of twenty-one authors Embracing the Real in contemporary YA lit at The Contemps, a fantastic new group author site celebrating the real, the gritty, and the wonderful in YA.

Their mission is simple:

We are passionate about realistic fiction because these are the books that remind us we're not alone in this real world. Our mission is simple - to spotlight contemporary fiction for young adults through blog posts, author events, and (over)sharing from our teen years.

Here is the full list of authors - lots of names you know, and names you want to know:

Check out their challenge, going on NOW through November 15th: read 18 of their 21 books, and you can win all 21! All the deets are at Congrats to writers passionate about YA!


  1. Thanks, Holly! The Contemps is a really fun group to be a part of!

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