
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cover Stories: Firelight by Sophie Jordan

High res Firelight cover.jpg
Sophie Jordan's Firelight is about a girl who can shift between human and dragon forms... which might have been quite a cover challenge!

Here's Sophie to talk about the process:

"Early talks revolved around maybe a silhouette ... and my protagonist's striking red hair. We wanted something to hint to her 'dragon qualities, like wings, but we wanted to make certain no one saw the cover and thought 'angel' since she's not that!

"They kindly asked for my input, and I remember just being so excited about some of their thoughts (mentioned above) that I didn't have too much more to contribute. There never seemed to be any doubt it would be Jacinda, the protagonist, on the cover. We were in accord for so much of the cover concept that I knew Firelight was in good hands.

"I was shocked when I first saw the cover because it wasn't a silhouette at all but rather this amazing close-up. The red hair was there, of course! And she had this hint of cool, scaly skin around her eye... but I still thought something was missing. It was maybe too subtle, so I made a suggestion..."

Read the rest of Sophie's Cover Story, and see the trailer, at


  1. I just finished this book the other day. I thought it was great--and I didn't think that I was going to like it as much as I did. It was very creative and original. Now, I can't wait to read the second book!

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