
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cover Stories: The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan

When I saw the cover for L.K. Madigan's October release, The Mermaid's Mirror, I had to find out how such a windswept, atmospheric image came about.

Here's L.K. to tell the tale:

"Sadly, I have no eye for design. I can envision scene after scene in my mind as I write them ... but I can't
come up with an iconic image to represent the book.

"Since the book is about a girl surfer who finds a mermaid, I thought the cover might show ... um, a girl surfer... or a mermaid.


"Which is why I'm a writer, not a designer. The first cover design my publisher sent me was very pretty (right). I loved the girl's hair, and the water droplets effect, but the blue graphic
didn't really convey anything about the story. Only the word 'mermaid' in the title hinted that it might be a fantasy. My agent and I talked about it, and decided to ask the art director to consider incorporating the ocean into the design..."

Read the rest of L.K.'s Cover Story at


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