
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August: Living in a Sibling's Shadow?

Holly asks, "Have you ever felt like you were living in the shadow of a sibling? Why or how so?"


  1. I've never felt that, as I am very different from my siblings and my parents were present for each of us. But I have felt as though I were living in the shadow of their expectations--there was the me they wanted me to be, and the me I actually am.

    I think this is one reason this book resonated so much for me, even though I haven't lost a sibling or experienced much of Rand's life at all. You can either live the live you want to live, or try to be what others expect you to be.

    Has everyone seen that gorgeous trailer, by the way? AMAZING.

  2. I always, always, always felt I was living in the shadow of my older, younger brother. Read Hold Me Tight to see what I'm talking about! The guy is Mr. Charisma. Seriously!

    Thankfully, I found my own feet in college, and even if I'm caught in his shadow for a second today, I love it!

    Gorgeous trailer, Holly!

  3. All of my life I've felt that I was living in the shadow of my two older sisters. Both of them were always getting better grades than I was and doing everything perfectly while I was just the youngest loser child. When I ended up pregnant at 18 those feelings were heightened even more. I still feel it every so often but at least my life is starting to get on track a little so I'm feeling better about myself.

    But I definitely do still feel like I'm in the shadow of my sisters.


  4. It's so fascinating to hear all of your stories - sibling relationships are very interesting to me, and how two people can have the same experience in a family and yet come away with completely different memories.

    My brother and sister are so much older than me that I don't think I ever really felt like I was in their shadow - more like having four parents. Though I remember the experiences of some of my friends and hearing how they felt, friends as close as sisters to me.

    Thank you for the trailer compliments! Paul gave it such a gorgeous, unique look - we're really excited about how it turned out!

  5. Being the oldest sister (though I had an older brother) I never felt I was living in the shadow of another sibling. If anything, I felt I had to be an example for my younger sister, and that could be trying at times.

  6. Did any of you ever feel like you had to be the "responsible" one, either as an older or younger sibling? Esp if you had a more wild or social sibling? I always wonder if people take different roles in families because of the personalities they are born with, or in relation to the rest of the family, or both?

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