
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Robin Benway Shoutout

Last month, author Robin Benway participated in Operation TBD. Last weekend, I ran into Robin at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, and she gave a shoutout to readergirlz. Thanks, Robin!

Robin's first novel, Audrey, Wait!, was recommended by the postergirlz in the October 2008 issue of readergirlz. Her next novel, The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June, will be released in August.

Read my full-length interview with Robin Benway from 2008.

See how Robin rocked the drop in 2010.

Read my review of Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway.


  1. OMG, that's awesome that you got to meet Robin Benway!!! I loved Audrey and will be reading AMJ soon, can't wait!

  2. Thanks again to Robin for the rgz shoutout. :)

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