
Sunday, May 2, 2010

rgz Street Team: Jacqueline Reviews Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee

The rgz Street Team is a group of teens who bring YA reviews to our blog, led by Postergirl Miss Erin. Find out more.

Today, Jacqueline reviews Absolutely Maybe, the featured title this month by Lisa Yee!

"Named after her mother’s favorite mascara, Maybelline Mary Katherine Mary Ann Chestnut is different in every way. With multiple hairstyles, and very little fashion sense, Maybelline is the opposite of her mother, Chessamay Chestnut Abajian Wing Marshall Wing Sinclair Alavrez -- also known as Chessy. With quite a long name for small-town, pageant-loving, commitment-confused, alcoholic mother you would be surprised how little self confidence she has.

"Through too many marriages to count, Maybelline’s last name seems to be the only thing she has in common with her mother. Her nonexistent father figure has always bothered her and when Chessy believes her soon-to-be-husband over Maybelline, it’s finally the last straw. On a quest to find her father, Maybelline finds herself on the way to Los Angeles with her best friends Ted and 'Hollywood.'

"This book is officially on my top ten favorite books' list. Throughout the book, I felt as if it were my life and I had to turn the page to see what would happen! I absolutely loved this book!" --Jacqueline Glade


  1. It sounds like a great book! I'm curious to find out what Mabelline discovers on her quest to find her father. I'm adding it to my "To Read" list for sure! Great review!
    Mrs. Wilson

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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