
Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 2010 Newsflash: Win ABSOLUTELY MAYBE by Lisa Yee!

Dear rgz friend,

Thanks for helping make our third-annual Operation Teen Book Drop the best one yet.
  • Thanks to the generosity of publishers, we delivered over 10,000 books to teens on Native reservations and tribal lands.

  • 772 books were purchased by individuals to completely sell out the TBD Wish List. The books were donated to two tribal school libraries through GuysLitWire.

  • More than 100 authors and friends left books in secret spots from Seattle to Madrid.

In short, it was awesome. Thanks to everyone—publishers, authors, editors, agents, bloggers, readers—for playing along. Thanks, also, to our partners: YALSA, GuysLitWire, and If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything.

This month’s featured book
We’ll be talking with Lisa Yee about her terrific novel ABSOLUTELY MAYBE. Set in Hollywood, it tells the story of a girl trying to make it in L.A. however she can. And because it is a Lisa Yee book, it’s hilarious, even as it touches on homelessness, abuse, alcoholism, and all manner of tacos.

We’ll be chatting with Lisa May 19 at 6 p.m. Pacific, location to be announced. Watch for the determination at to join the fun.

If you comment on our blog by May 5, we'll enter your name into a drawing for Lisa's novel.

Learn alongside our Author in Residence
We have loved having Elizabeth Scott as our AIR, and have learned a ton from the link roundups with really fantastic information for writers. If you want to know why characters need to suffer, what effect e-books will have on the printed ones, and how famous authors insulted each other with style, you have to continue the discussion on Elizabeth's blog.

Then, help us say goodbye to Elizabeth on May 3 at 6 p.m. Pacific, 9 p.m. Eastern. She’s been amazing, and we’re going to have a blast talking about THE UNWRITTEN RULE and what she’s learned as our AIR.

We’re definitely trying something new for this chat. It will be a TWITTER party! If you don’t have an account, sign up. Then look for us under the hashtag #rgz.

Our next AIR is Lisa Ann Sandell, author of A MAP OF THE KNOWN WORLD and other superb YA books.

Lisa starts the third week of May. We can’t wait!

Welcome to our newest diva!
Readers, we are thrilled to announce the addition of a new diva to our fold—one who has already been working tirelessly behind the scenes as our rgz media specialist and who will now take on the role of Social Media Diva. Please give a warm welcome to the witty, wonderful Martha Brockenbrough, author of Things That Make Us (Sic), the grammar guide which will have you laughing out loud! Martha is also the founder of National Grammar Day and SPOGG - the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. Perfect, right?!

This month’s Pos
tergirlz Picks:

BEIGE by Cecil Castellucci
GINGERBREAD by Rachel Cohn
SOMETHING, MAYBE by Elizabeth Scott

This month’s community service project
826 National is a nonprofit tutoring, writing, and publishing organization. Kids between 6 and 18 can visit their local 826 chapter for tutoring sessions, writing assistance, free workshops, and more.

Hopeful writers should definitely check out the organization's opportunities for student publishing. High school students located in the Bay Area who love to write and are in need of financial aid may apply for college scholarships offered by 826.

The organization also has lots and lots of amazing volunteers who donate their time, energy, and expertise. 826 has locations in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Michigan, Boston, and Washington, D.C. If you live in or near any of these cities, you should definitely drop by in person and volunteer your time and/or share your writing!


the readergirlz divas' twitter~
Martha Brockenbrough (@mbrockenbrough), Things That Make Us [Sic]
Holly Cupala (@hollycupala), Tell Me A Secret (June 2010)
Liz Gallagher (@lizgallagherliz), The Opposite of Invisible
Elizabeth Scott (@escottwrites), The Unwritten Rule
Melissa Walker (@melissacwalker), Lovestruck Summer

Dia Calhoun (@diacalhoun), Avielle of Rhia
Justina Chen (@justinaychen), North of Beautiful
Lorie Ann Grover (@lorieanngrover), Hold Me Tight
readergirlz blog
rgz Twitter


  1. Please enter me in the Absolutely Maybe drawing--It sounds like a fantastic read! Congrats on the OBD success! I can't wait to drop more books next year!

  2. Absolutely Maybe sounds wonderful! Please enter me! Thanks so much for this opportunity!


  3. Please enter me in the drawing for Absolutely Maybe. I love your blog :)

    jpetroroy at gmail dot com

  4. Wheeeeeeee!!!! Hey readergirlz . . . honored to be on your blog!!!!!!!!

  5. Great blog and what great results for the OTD...NICE! Looking forward to "meeting" Lisa Yee.

  6. Wow, this blog is so great. Lisa Yee and Lisa Ann Sandell in one blog post? That's pretty awesome. Map of the Known World is one of my favorite books ever. Keep up the fantastic work Readergirlz!

  7. It's great to have seen the book job to be such a success. I think it's an honorable cause to try to expose everyone all sorts of books because they really do make an impact on our lives.

  8. (you don't need to enter me for the drawing)

    Incidentally, ABSOLUTELY MAYBE is one of the books I dropped for Operation TBD... :)

  9. oh gosh the things that make us (sic) sounds like an amazing book(and maybe one might "slip" to friends with poor grammar) :P

  10. Thanks, all. Hope you like the playlist, too. My teen came up with it!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
