
Monday, April 19, 2010

Still Rocking: Kathleen Duey

Hey all!

I just saw this in the comments and wanted to be sure you all saw it. WAY TO GO, KATHLEEN DUEY! Read this Rock the Drop story by the National Book Award Finalist:

"I left three books in various places in San Antonio TX--where I was attending an amazing library conference. On the way home, there was a young man in the airport crying. I sat near (not by) him and when he glanced up, I asked if there was anything I could do to help.

His answer: "Make this deployment go by fast." I put out my hand and he gripped it hard for a few minutes, then wiped his face and pulled in a long breath. Then he sat up straight and we talked a little. I saw a book poking out of his travel bag. He said it was "dark stuff, kind of like twilight, but not." So I asked him if he would accept a gift from me and I signed my last copy of Skin Hunger for him. He is in Iraq by now. He is 19. Send him and everyone else in the war zones good thoughts. Please."


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  1. I love Kathleen. She's an amazingly warm and generous soul, and this proves the point. What a terrific thing to do, and a moving story. She really rocks, in every way.

  2. You beat me! I was just copying Kathleen's story to post. Thanks, Lorie Ann. This definitely merits a spotlight!

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