
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rock the Drop With Us Tomorrow!

Woohoo -- it's almost here!

Tomorrow, April 15th, is the day of Operation Teen Book Drop! This is the third year rgz has helped lead the effort, and we'll be delivering 10,000 new books to teens on Native reservations and tribal lands. To learn more about the effort and our partners, check out our Operation TBD page. Many thanks to our partners at GuysLitWire, YALSA and If I Can Read I Can Do Anything!

All you have to do is leave a book in a public space for some lucky reader to find. Viola! You've rocked the drop. (Grab an official bookplate and extras here!) Let us know below in the comments if you plan to Rock the Drop, and take photos to send to us (readergirlz AT gmail DOT com) for a post-drop roundup! (See last year's fun one.)

Thanks, everyone!


  1. We're going to drop tomorrow! We're busy getting our stickers printed. We'll send pics as soon as we have them!

    Chick Lit Book Club

  2. We are hosting an Operation T.B.D. event tomorrow from 5-7pm. Teens can come into the library and select a title from our stash of donations & freebies. Then they will personalize and decorate a unique book plate in addition to sticker-ing them w/ the T.B.D. logo you've supplied. Hope to get some great pics to send your way!!

    -Michelle Yeager
    Cherry Hill Public Library

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