
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rgz Shoutout: Heather Davis!

Two chances to win free books at the end of this post!

Today's a big day for Heather Davis, author of Never Cry Werewolf! Her new book, The Clearing, is out today!

Here's how Heather describes The Clearing:

This book is a time-travel, paranormal YA romance published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It's the story of Amy, a girl who moves out to the country to recover from an abusive relationship. All she's looking for is some peace at her aunt's farm, but in a misty field at the back of the property, she finds Henry, a boy living in the endless summer of 1944, staving off a tragedy that could rip his family apart. Both teens must gain the courage to face what is meant to be, even if it means losing each other forever.

And here's a special hello to you, readergirlz!

I've got one signed copy to send to a lucky commenter on this post. Comment all week! I'll announce the winner on Saturday!

Heather's running her own celebration, with more free copies over at her blog that she shares with YA authors Dona Sarkar, Marley Gibson, Stephanie Hale, Tera Lynn Childs, Tina Ferraro, and Wendy Toliver: Books, Boys, Buzz!

So say a quick hi to Heather here, then go over there, increase your chances to win, and find out more about how you can help Heather help teens in need all week just by commenting over there.

Heather says:

Because so many teens don't have a place to go to recover from abuse like Amy (the main character in The Clearing), I will also be making a donation to Teen Feed in honor of The Clearing's release. Teen Feed is a wonderful organization in my city that serves homeless teens hot meals and helps them find the resources to get identification and counseling that will lead to employment, housing, and a new life. I will donate 50 cents for each unique commenter during the release week, up to $250.

I think it's amazing that Heather's using her release week to help teens--let's help her rock that idea!


  1. Ooh, the cover is very pretty!
    Love, Hannah S.

  2. This book looks excellent. Can't wait to read it!

  3. Ah, paranormal YA with an historical twist...intriguing! Can't wait!

    shelcows AT gmail DOT com

  4. I've only heard wonderous things about The Clearing! And the cover is gorgeous! :]


  5. WOW it is a really good idea to help others with your opening week. Thanks for the inspiration.

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  7. That's very nice of you to help teens in need! The Clearing sounds really good and I can't wait to read it.

  8. I got to meet Heather on Friday! Congrats, Heather!

  9. The Clearing sounds so good! I love mixes between present day and the past.

  10. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for introducing it...and for promoting such a great cause!

  11. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for introducing it...and for promoting such a great cause!

  12. I think it's so great she's using this time to promote and help a great cause!

    foltzsfantasticbooks at

  13. Thanks for the shout-out Liz and hello, Readergirlz! Love that you guys are helping me celebrate this release.



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