
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

rgz review: Jacqueline on The Secret Life of Prince Charming

The Secret Life of Prince Charming
By: Deb Caletti
Review written By: Jacqueline Glade

Reading The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti, I found out things I didn't know, had heard many times in love stories (yet it didn't sound like a cliche), and the beautiful truth of love. Not only is this book based on a family and their confusing struggles with love, but it also includes a teen girl, Quinn; her sister, Sprout; and her half-sister, Frances Lee.

The girls quest to return missing items to Quinn's fathers past lovers. They weren't missing from Quinn's father, Berry, though. He kept them and pretended like he had no idea where they went, but he really placed them in a room like a display. Names and ages on the bottom of the objects were the only evidence of the prior owners of the items. Quinn saw this and felt as if the things needed to be returned and the quest began.

Quinn and her sisters' adventure to the various houses of Berry's past lovers is one of my favorite parts in the book. With every house came a new part of Berry's long confusing love life. The "stories" that the women Berry had been with, the women that had loved him, were full of truth and never settled pain. I understood how each and everyone of those women felt, not through personal experience but through the avid description.

I loved this book for many different reasons one of which of course had to do with love. This is one of the best books I have ever read and would recommend it to teen girls.


  1. Glad that you liked the book so much, Jacqueline!

  2. Ooh! One of the best books you've ever read. I'm so excited this is next on my TBR pile!

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