
Friday, April 23, 2010

DIY Friday: Making a gorgeous necklace with Gypsy Wings!

I'm very excited to host a guest today for DIY Friday: Gypsy Wings, also known as Gypsy Rae Photography, also known as Georgia Cranston!

Georgia is an artist, a writer, a mama, a reader, a Twilight Mom, and has been a friend to readergirlz since the very beginning.

You can get to know her better by visiting her Esty shop (with more cool necklaces!), her website, and her amazing photostream.

She's here today to teach us how to make a beautiful necklace with stones and findings - Miranda's sister in TELL ME A SECRET is a DIY girl, and she would most definitely approve.

Welcome, Georgia!


Check out the full necklace tutorial here!


  1. Can't wait to watch the tutorial. I HEART, GYPSY WINGS!

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