
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cheryl Kaye Tardif rocked the drop #operationtbd

I'm pulling this out of the comments for everyone to enjoy...Operation Teen Book Drop is international. First Spain, now Canada!

My email isn't working on my laptop and I wanted to send you a message to let you know that I am once again participating in OTBD here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I am getting ready to drop a copy of The River, my bestselling thriller, at a Starbucks in Edmonton (4357-50th Street NW) that is currently filled with teens. I'm the oldest one here! :-) But I'm young at heart.

I'll be tweeting on the drop and pick up, using my super senses as a private detective.

Ok, wait, two older men just walked in. I'm no longer the oldest here! YAY!

Anyways, I'd sincerely appreciate it if you would add me to the list of authors participating.

Pam, have fun with your drop!! Way to go!

Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Follow me on Twitter!


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