
Friday, April 2, 2010

April: What Makes a Choice "Good"?

Featured author Deb Caletti says, "Quinn says that too often 'good choices' meant other people's choices to her. What makes a choice a good one?"


  1. When it's well-intended, honest, and serves people well.

  2. Hi Guys!!! Happy to be here at Readergirlz! What makes a choice a good one? Maybe that it considers what is best for both you AND others? Ah, that tricky balance...

  3. Difficult question... but I'd say a choice is a good one if it's made with the best intentions and when it isn't made selfishly.

    We can't know the future so the outcomes of our choices can't always be predicted but even if the consequences are bad, so long as the choice was made for the right reasons then I consider it a good one.

    I'm not sure if I'm making sense, I'm awful at explaining what I mean.

  4. A good choice causes no suffering for you or others. A good choice brings light into the world.

  5. I definitely agree with Dia that a good choice has the potential to improve your life and the lives of those around you. A good choice is often the choice that after you make it, feels right, even if it wasn't easy.

  6. I get it, Lanna!

    For the good of others and yourself. Yep, Deb.

    Aha, that which loves your neighbor as yourself. *nod nod*

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