
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Steampunk at Library Journal!

Perhaps you've heard Leviathan referred to as a Steampunk book. Perhaps, like me, you're still not entirely sure what Steampunk actually is. Or maybe you just want recs for more great Steampunk reads.

Readergirlz postergirl Jackie is a librarian goddess, you know, so she pointed me in the direction of School Library's list of 20 Core Steampunk Titles.

The article does a great job of introducing what Steampunk is all about, and it recommends a slew of books from the genre, including both classics and new arrivals. My favorite bit is how it says that steampunk usually has a positive outlook on the future.

We were both especially excited to see one of our suggested reads on the list: Cherie Priest's Boneshaker!

What do you like about Steampunk? Have any titles to add to the list?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great find, Jackie! Thanks for sharing, both of you.

    Nice of them to include The Time Machine.

    I've meant to read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen for eons!

    I plan to read Soulless and Boneshaker.

    I am a big fan of THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM series by Garth Nix. Anyone else?

  3. Soulless was quite amusing, very arch and Jane Austen-like. More paranormal than steampunk, but there were zeppelins!

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