
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shout-out to National Grammar Day tomorrow!

Tomorrow is March 4th, the only day that is both a date AND an imperative - but more importantly, it is the only national holiday (seriously! look it up!) that was coined by our very own rgz media specialist Martha Brockenbrough, the grammar genius behind THINGS THAT MAKE US [SIC] (illustrated by friend Jaime Temairik). It's National Grammar Day!

And if that isn't a reason to march forth and pick up a hilarious look at the English language (and toast fabulous friends), I don't know what is.

You can also join The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar, friend them on Facebook or follow the blog.

Go on, march!


  1. Three (four?) cheers for Martha, SPOGG, Things That Make Us [Sic], and National Grammar Day!

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