
Monday, March 8, 2010

Cover Stories: Hot Girl by Dream Jordan

When I saw the cover for Dream Jordan's Hot Girl, I couldn't stop staring at it. It is so up-close and arresting--and I love her expression. So hard to figure out but so intriguing!

So, you know, I emailed Dream. And she told me this story:

"Originally, I envisioned my protagonist Kate dressed in sweats, sitting on a park bench with a basketball under her foot. I thought by depicting Kate as a tomboy, the reader would get a welcoming surprise when she's made over into a HOT GIRL.

"My publisher didn't ask for my input. In hindsight, I'm glad they didn't because I love my cover! The only nitpick I had upon first seeing my cover was the character's lips. I thought the lipstick was too shiny, and funny-looking..."

Read the full Cover Story on my blog.

PS-Also read Little Willow's review!


  1. It's a good book. Thanks for posting about it!

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