
Monday, March 15, 2010

Author in Residence Elizabeth Scott: Win a Copy of The Unwritten Rule!

Our second amazing Author in Residence, Elizabeth Scott, is a smart and hilarious writer who will be on the rgz team through April! Check out her mini-issue at the rgz website.

Throughout her visit, she will be cross-posting at the readergirlz blog. We are honored to have Elizabeth among us (look at that lineup of books!). Learn more about Elizabeth Scott and our author-in-residence position.

Elizabeth ScottElizabeth ScottElizabeth Scott

Elizabeth ScottElizabeth ScottElizabeth ScottElizabeth Scott

Here is the third of Elizabeth’s monthly vlog entries about writing, in which she answers readers questions about the writing of her brand new novel, The Unwritten Rule! She talks about how she writes relateable characters and creates perfect guys.

Comment below for a chance to win a copy of The Unwritten Rule! (Elizabeth is giving away five copies!)

You can learn a lot from this awesome writer. Here she is:


  1. Please enter me, thank you! :)


  2. OF COURSE characters are real!!!!!!

    I'd love to be entered. lilrongal(at)gmail(dot)com

    I adore Elizabeth Scott, and her books as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i love the back cover too. (:

    and please enter me as well!

  5. This is one of the books I'm looking forward to! Please enter me.


  6. Awesome!! I have always wanted to read one of Elizabeth Scott's book.


  7. I've been wanting to read Elizabeth Scott for some time! Her books have great titles and covers--Thanks for this opportunity. My students love her! I'd love to put one of her books on my free reading shelves!

  8. If my characters aren't real then who keeps talking to me and telling me their crazy stories?? Just kidding, but really my characters definitely feel real to me.

    Please enter me into this contest. Thanks!

  9. I've read a few of Elizabeth's books and loved them! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of on The Unwritten Rule.


  10. Elizabeth is so awesome. I always read her blog... I love hearing what she has to say, and reading all the links she posts.


  11. Oh this is so cool, totally enter me.

    I have a copy of Living Dead Girl, waiting to be read when I have some time to spare for the emotional upheaval that I know it's going to cause.

  12. oh darn, forgot my email -- it's

  13. Characters are definitely real to me. :)

    Please enter me
    jpetroroy at gmail dot com

  14. I would LOVE this book! Please, please, please enter me.

    Oh and I too find my characters taking on a life of their own. Then they go off and do things I didn't plan for them!

    foltzsfanatasticbooks at

  15. I agree that Elizabeth does make the characters in her novels very relate-able, not to mention in my favorite of hers so far, Something, Maybe. However, they do always tend to have that funky twist, even in Living Dead Girl.
    I'd love to be entered to win!

  16. Thanks for the giveaway! I've seen great reviews for The Unwritten Rule. Would love a copy. : )

    ambience.of.rain {at} gmail {dot} com

  17. Please enter me :-) I LOVE all of Elizabeth Scott's books (esp.Living Dead Girl) and can't wait to read the latest one!

    librarianapril at gmail dot com

  18. Characters are people too! Haha :)
    Please count me in.


  19. Great video. I love what Elizabeth says about the inner editor. It's a great reminder. Thank you!

    I just picked up LOVE YOU, MISS YOU, HATE YOU and can't wait to start reading.

  20. I would LOVE to win a copy. Elizabeth Scott is one of my fave authors. :)

  21. I would love a chance to read The Unwritten Rule. I enjoy hearing about Elizabeth Scott's writing process too. These vlogs are neat. :-)

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  22. I haven't read anything by Elizabeth Scott, but I've heard such great things about her writing. I would love to win any of these. Thanks for the giveaway

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  23. I think reading scifi/fantasy so young warped me a little. To me, anything you're reading, even for a brief time, is real, because you are in it and witnessing the lives of those people. Maybe that's why I love metafiction so much. But, because of that, I don't even blink when authors (especially those in my Library's writer's group) mention talking to or hearing their characters speak. Of course they are!

  24. Oops! That metafiction comment was from!

  25. Cannot wait to read the Unwritten Rule - enter me, please!

  26. I absolutely dont think that its wierd to think that the characters are real. To me when I read a book the characters are real to me. Personally I like when there is some extra scenes. Scenes where there is a little bit of mushyness make me happay :), but I also get what your talking about. I have had experiences where I read and want to skip a part because it seems that its going nowhere but I feel like Im cheating :)
    I have wanted to read Living Dead Girl and The Unwritten Rule for a LONG time. The cover to the book is beautiful :)
    Please enter me in the giveaway if it is still possible.

  27. Those weren't gratuitous cover shots. OK, that last one maybe. But the others were totally necessary.

    Please toss my hat into the ring for one of your books.

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