
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Story Secrets: GONE by Lisa McMann

Welcome to the latest Story Secrets, where YA authors dish about the secrets behind their YA novels. Today, I'm really excited to welcome Lisa McMann, author of WAKE, FADE and GONE (just released this week!), to talk about the secrets behind trilogy.

Welcome, Lisa!


People often ask me what inspired the WAKE trilogy, and I always answer with the same thing in person as what I have written on my website – I had a dream that I was in my husband’s dream, watching what he was dreaming about. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I wrote down the dream, and in the morning when I woke up, the idea didn’t suck. So I explored the possibilities and began writing.

Truly, that is what inspired the plot. But the inspiration for the characters came from another place, layers and layers deep. It took me a year and a half of booksignings and interviews to really get to the heart of it.

Read the rest!


  1. So compelling! Thanks for sharing, Holly!

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