
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cover Stories: Cracked Up to Be and Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers

Courtney Summers did a double Cover Story with me this week.

First, she talks about her debut, Cracked Up to Be. I loved this book, btw.

Here's Courtney:

"When I found out St. Martin's was going to publish Cracked Up to Be, I was really eager to see what they'd make of the cover. I secretly wished that:

1) there would be a girl on it and her face would be obscured, because I like covers that leave character's faces to the imagination and

2) it would be awesome (what author doesn't want that, though!)

"When I got the first cover for Cracked Up to Be, I loved it. It had a faceless girl laying on some bleachers set against a field and I thought it was awesome, so I was 2 for 2! Unfortunately, *cue ominous music*, it was not meant to be...

Read the rest of the Cracked Up to Be Cover Story.

Courtney also shared the Cover Story for Some Girls Are:

"Some Girls Are's publication timeline was similar to that of my first novel, Cracked Up to Be, so when the time I figured I'd get my cover rolled around... and passed me by... I was all kinds of nervous and excited. And then a little more time passed...

"AND THEN when I thought I'd explode of anticipation, I got to see a rejected version of the cover. I can't show it, but it featured a pair of (faceless!) girls back to back against a chainlink fence. I liked the concept, but the models struck me as too young and they were wearing pink and green pastel colours which gave the overall feel of the cover one of happiness and happiness has no place in Some Girls Are -- just misery and mean girl brutality and all that fun stuff!..."

The full Cover Story is up on Barnes and Noble's Unabashedly Bookish blog.

Enjoy both!


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