
Monday, November 16, 2009

Winter Blog Blast Tour (WBBT)

For the past two years, Colleen from Chasing Ray has organized series upon series of author interviews. These blog tours, hosted and posted at various blogs, have been dubbed the Summer Blog Blast Tour (SBBT for short) and Winter Blog Blast Tour (aka WBBT). Each event is one week long and involves a multitude of authors, bloggers, and readers.

Many authors whose works have been mentioned here at the readergirlz blog will be participating, as will four out of the five postergirlz - Shelf Elf, Miss Erin, HipWriterMama, and moi. (I'm sure Jackie will be following, too!) I conducted five interviews for WBBT, one of which will posted at my book blog, Bildungsroman, each weekday morning this week. I kicked things off this morning with author Courtney Sheinmel, who has posted here at readergirlz about hope and family.

Visit Chasing Ray for the master list for this year's WBBT. I also posted the full schedule at Bildungsroman.


  1. Thanks, Little Willow!
    In case it's of interest, my interview at HipWriterMama is live today here.
    I'm giving away one of signed books (winner's choice) to a commenter, so if any of the readergirlz are looking to win a copy of Rain Is Not My Indian Name or any of my other titles, this might be their chance!

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