
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shelf Elf Interviews Beth Kephart!

Shelf Elf just did a fabulous interview with our Author in Residence, Beth Kephart (remember, there's just one week left to enter her latest challenge: Then and Now!).

Here's a little snippet from Beth, in response to one of many insightful questions from Shelf Elf, that will leave you wanting more:

"What is the most difficult part of writing for you, and what aspect of writing is the most fulfilling?"

"The most difficult part of writing is working on a project for years and years, as I do, with the grave uncertainty of whether or not anyone but me will ever love the book, will ever publish it, will ever buy it. It is a lonely and trembling enterprise. The most fulfilling is finding a way to tell the story you want to tell and finding those readers with whom the story resonates."

Read the full interview here.


  1. Thank you so much, Melissa (and Shelf Elf!).



  2. It was my treat Beth, to interview you! Thanks for the mention here as well readergirlz!

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