
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Melissa Walker's Blog is What Teens Want!


From the recent Publishers Weekly cover story, "What Do Teens Want?"

In reply to an open-ended question, here are the author blogs they read the most: Libba Bray, Meg Cabot, Ally Carter, P.C. Cast, Cassandra Clare, Zoey Dean, Sarah Dessen, John Green, Richelle Mead, Stephenie Meyer, Christopher Paolini, James Patterson, Tamora Pierce, Sarah Shepard, Melissa Walker and Scott Westerfeld."

Congratulations, Melissa! We are so proud of you. And very good taste, teens!

My website


  1. Woohoo, Melissa! That's fantastic! Those are all terrific blogs.

  2. Several of those authors have been popular at my house through the years -- particularly Tamora Pierce -- I even got to take my oldest daughter to see Tamora speak once. And her books are dog-eared favorites. Stephanie Meyer -- well, all THREE girls have all the books! And my oldest is a big blog reader. Since that daughter is really a wonderful writer, I recently sent her the link to a teen writer's own blog. Selene Cardenas has written "Sea Clearwater," which is a nice YA fantasy book, filled with creatures of her design and invention. Nice book, and with messages that are good for teens to hear, such as they have great inner strength that they should tap.

    (Plus, I'm going to send her this link, so she can really easily find author blogs!)

  3. Yay Melissa! Those teens know good stuff when they read it.


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