
Friday, October 23, 2009

TRW Tribute: Diana Rodriguez Wallach 9:45

Adios to All The Drama

This week (Oct. 18th – 33rd) is Teen Read Week! What, you didn’t know? Let me explain. YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association, takes this week every year to try to draw teens away from their Nintendo DS and iPods and toward fun, awesome, page-turning YA novels.

To help bring attention to their efforts, ReaderGirlz has called on authors to blog about cool teen books. Clearly, I know a bit about this. And I’m proud to say that in the past couple years, I’ve gotten lots of adult friends and family members to crack open YA novels (and not only Twilight!).

So I thought I’d bring to light some of the young adult novels currently in my to-be-read pile. Obviously, since I haven’t read them, I can’t give too much of a review. But this will give you a glimpse into what YA novels got this author to hand over her cold hard cash. So here it is:

My Teen To-Be-Read Pile (in no particular order):

1. Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins. This is the sequel to Hunger Games, which I psychotically loved. It will probably be the next book I dive into.

2. Cuba 15, Nancy Osa. This book is sometimes compared to Amor and Summer Secrets in a “fans of this will like that” sort of way. So I’m curious to read another multicultural teen story.

3. Prophecy of the Sisters, Michelle Zink. Before I was published, I hung out on a site called Writers Net. And I remember Michelle being on there when we were both querying for agents. So I’m excited to read her novel.

4. The Naughty List, Suzanne Young. This is actually an Advanced Reader Copy that Suz (a new GCC member) was nice enough to send me. It’s about girls who spy on classmates’ cheating boyfriends, how cute is that?

5. Jars of Glass, Brad Barkley & Heather Hepler. I met Brad at the Baltimore Book Festival last year and he was incredibly nice. I’ve never written with a partner so I’m curious how he and Heather put this together.

6. Keeping the Moon
, Sarah Dessen. She’s one of the YA queens of realistic fiction with a great writing voice.

So that’s it. I hope it gives you some intriguing teen reading ideas. Now go out and buy books, lots and lots of books!

Diana Rodriguez Wallach


  1. Love this list, Diana. You have a ton of good reads on there. KEEPING THE MOON was my first Sarah Dessen!

  2. Great list - I have several of those, too (including THE NAUGHTY LIST! I feel so naughty
    reading it. :)

    Thanks, Diana!

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