
Friday, October 23, 2009

Teen Read Week Gala: Dia Calhoun and Sylvia Engdahl and our TRW Tribute!

It's been a wild Teen Read Week celebration here at the readergirlz blog, and it culminates tonight at the TRW GALA, where Dia Calhoun (AVIELLE OF RHIA) hosts pioneering sci-fi author Sylvia Engdahl (ENCHANTRESS FROM THE STARS) for one final night of fabulous rgz LIVE! chats! Prizes! Swag! Don't miss it. 6pm PST/9pm EST.

Sylvia truly is the pioneer of Sci-Fi lit for YA. When we saw her active on MySpace, we knew we had to snatch her up and have a celebration for her contributions to the literary landscape. Enchantress From the Stars was first printed in 1971. Sylvia is our first Senior guest!

And Dia is our good friend, nonprofit partner, and author of beautiful works of fantasy. Her award-winning words are luminous.

Plus, all day today, readergirlz is running our 12 Hour TRW Tribute, with contributions from your very favorite YA authors - Ellen Hopkins, Lauren Baratz-Logsted, KL Going, Carolyn Mackler, and so many more!

Watch the posts scroll up through the day. A new one about every 15 minutes! Here comes the love, rgz...