
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rgz HOST: Kate DiCamillo!

Hey, readergirlz!

What's your favorite Kate DiCamillo book? Tough question, I know! I'd probably have to say it's Because of Winn Dixie for me, so far. . . but that might be about to change.

Did you know she has a new one? It's called The Magician's Elephant, and it looks like such a fun read. I'm psyched to dig in. If you grew up reading Kate's work, or you just want to experience a truly talented scribe, check it out!

The book has its own site, where you can read the first chapter, explore the gorgeous artwork of illustrator Yoko Tanaka, and sign up for a live webcast with Kate!

Kate's on a national tour for The Magician's Elephant, and I caught her during a quick signing stop today at Third Place Books.

In the photo: me, Jackie of the readergirlz postergirlz, Rene of the readergirlz salon (who lends her serious book buying skillz to Third Place--if you're in Seattle and you want good recommendations, go see Rene!), and Miss DiCamillo!

Tons of fun picking up the book and saying hi to the girlz!


  1. Mine is Because of Winn-Dixie, too, but I love all of her books!

  2. I think I'll always be a Tale of Despereaux girl. It's just so well put together...I'm willing to be amazed into changing my mind though.

  3. I, too, vote for The Tale of Despereaux! I'm really looking forward to the Magician's Nephew.
    And the books are always so beautifully done.

  4. Oh, I'm sorry I missed her, looks like fun! She's awesome.

  5. I had a feeling Despereaux would get some votes. Thanks for weighing in, girlz! I haven't started The Magician's Elephant yet, but something is just buzzing at me that it's a new classic.

  6. Oh, so sorry I missed that! I could kick myself - I just picked up The Magician's Elephant. Adorable picture of all of you!

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