
Friday, October 9, 2009

October: Your own magic

Libba asks, "What would you say is your own personal kind of magic?"


  1. My own personal kind of magic is baking magic (I used to be a pastry chef). My particularly magical specialty is cookie magic. I bake the world's most amazing chocolate chip cookies. Doesn't everyone need a little cookie magic in their lives?

  2. I knew that Shelf Elf! Absolutely love the cooking magic.

    Hm. I have no IDEA!

    Maybe the magic of thrifty shopping for most excellent secondhand duds. :~)

  3. Hello
    Actually I am confused about this personal kind of magic.I can't pick any one.Thank you very much for sharing such a good topic.


  4. Those are cool kinds of magic and I would agree with all of them! Lorie Ann, knowing you, I would say your magic is bringing weight and clarity.

    Me...I'm not sure, though I would guess something about encouraging others. Though I have a sprinkle of cookie magic, a little design magic, and hopefully some word magic. :)

  5. My personal magic is for making messes--on the page, in the kitchen, in my house. As A.A. Milne said, "One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries." This is so true of writing!

  6. Hmm... mine is for drawing people into telling me what they really love. I try to do that all the time--everyone is instantly fascinating if they're talking about a passion!

  7. Well, I can tell you what my magic is NOT--it's memory. I left my computer at my BFF's house in Boston! Yikes. But now it is back in my hands and I am petting it and calling it sweet thing.

    My own personal magic. Hmmm. Perhaps being able to see the humor in most situations. Finding wonder in almost everything. And I'm a decent listener.

    Shelf Elf, you can exercise your personal cookie magic at my house any time. *Waits*

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