
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October: What is Love?

Libba says, "Let's talk about love and romance. There are several romances that take place in this book. Do you believe people have only one true love or can they have more than one over a lifetime? How do you define love? Is that different from romance?"


  1. I think there can be LOTS of love in a lifetime, and even lots of romance. The choice to love one person in that romantic sense is a stable, comforting one that can lead to great rewards. But I do think it's a choice--there are lots of people to love.

  2. Libba packs these questions! I agree with Melissa that you may find many loves through a lifetime.

    Romance is vague to me, almost atmospheric. While love is solid action and a state.

    Maybe that's too vague...

  3. I agree that you can have many loves/lots of romance in a lifetime. I always come back to something from David Levithan's ARE WE THERE, YET? when Mrs. Silver says (of marriage) "It's nice to share a life." I feel that way, too. I like being coupled; I like the sharing of a life. I like what that has taught me about patience and consideration. I like the growth factor involved. That, to me, is a lot of what love is about--the give-and-take, the learning that you are not the center of the universe (although hopefully that person makes you feel that way a lot and vice versa.) I like the private jokes and quirky, goofy confessions and making plans or not making plans together and just hanging out. I like the companionship. Also, your DVD collection gets bigger. So there's that. ;-)

    As for romance, I think that's very specific. For one person, it's moonlit walks and flowers. For some of us, it's Dr. Who action figures bought from Forbidden Planet and a root beer toast. I happen to love the scene in "Say Anything" where Lloyd Dobler is holding up the boombox in the rain. It's such COMMITMENT on his part. (Plus, it's John Cusack. Just saying.)

  4. Having been with the love of my life for over forty years, I certainly believe having one true love can be a reality. Sadly, not everyone is that fortunate. Romance? Treat someone you love with respect, concern, and tenderness, and the romance will take care of itself. And maybe treating someone with respect, concern, and tenderness will lead to love. Melissa's comment is a good one. There are lots of people to love . . . and lots of people who need someone to love them.

  5. Loyalty. Commitment. Honesty.

    :) I'm not the only person who can mention David Levithan, Doctor Who, and Say Anything in the same breath. You rock, Libba. You do.

  6. Love is boundless. Romance is temporary and of the moment. To keep romance in a relationship you have to keep falling in love witn the same person over and over again. You can get that falling in love feeling in while in a long term relationship--through romance! Ah its so circular.

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