
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October: Things to Know About Libba Bray

We know she's delightful and hilarious and an amazing writer. What more did we find out about Libba Bray? Read on.

On the nightstand: Seven partially read books. My son's artwork. A pink Post-It that says, "don't forget!" which is not so helpful.

Favorite drink while you write: Coffee or tea with cream and sugar. Water.

Favorite bookstores: I love you all, bookstores. You are beautiful. And you smell fantastic.

Inspiration: Every. Single. Thing. And music twice.

Cure for writer's block:
1. Without censoring yourself, free write for twenty minutes about something that doesn't seem to matter till you hit something that does.
2. Dance around your living room to very loud music.

3. If all else fails, imagine your computer in its underwear.

Wanna learn more? Visit this month's issue.


  1. Honestly, so real and funny! Just gotta hug her.

  2. Thanks for this information i am big fan of her and I find your information is quite good and funny also.


  3. Okay, she is hilarious. Don't normally read this genre but she's funny. This post made me think twice about checking out Ms. Bray.


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