
Saturday, October 17, 2009

October: Libba Bray on Girls & Anger in YA

Last week, I got to go see a bunch of amazing authors read. The lineup included (l to r in that crazy photo above):

Melissa Kantor (The Invisible I, Amanda Project Book 1), Natalie Standiford (How to Say Goodbye in Robot), featured author-of-the-month Libba Bray (Going Bovine), Courtney Scheinmel (Positively) , Sarah Beth Durst (Ice), Jeff Rivera (Forever My Lady) and Shani Petroff (Bedeviled: Daddy's Little Angel). David Levithan hosted.

Awesome lineup, no? It all took place at the Jefferson Market branch of the New York Public Library, where Marie (aka Cupcake Witch) is the book queen. Here's me with Marie and lovely Alley of Books blogger Mitali:

Anyway, at one point Libba was speaking brilliance, and I had to take my little camera and catch this moment where she talked about the emotional range of girl characters in YA literature (forgive the quality of the video, but the quality of the statement was so worth it).


  1. I ADORE Libba. As a writer and a human being.

    ADORE her!

    What a great, great clip. And such an interesting observation...

    Thanks for posting!

  2. Thanks for taking & sharing this video, Melissa. Go Libba.

    EVERYONE: Pick up SOME GIRLS ARE by Courtney Summers when it's released in January 2010. It's an unflinching look at high school, with the characters (students) speaking plainly and acting in the heat of the moment, both vocally and physically, when upsetting things happen.

    What a great lineup! I've read and enjoyed titles by almost every author here, and now want to seek out titles by those I've yet to read. :)

  3. Oh man! How come I didn't know about this event until it was too late? I would've totally gone. *sigh* Oh well. It looks and sounds like a lot of fun, and the topics were interesting too!

  4. oh no. a picture of meeee!

    hahah ;)

  5. Fantastic! THANK YOU, MELISSA!

    My editor noted that my character in Hold Me Tight is very ANGRY. Ha! I didn't notice she was/that I was. Yep. It comes through.

    Speak freely writers!!!

  6. Great talk by Libba!

    Thanks for sharing your great day out =D

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