
Friday, October 9, 2009

Calling All Bloggers!

As you may have heard, in conjunction with the author chats, readergirlz will be hosting a Teen Read Week Tribute. Anyone who loves YALSA's Teen Read Week is encouraged to let it out on their blog through a post or vlog, then send the link to readergirlz AT (subject line: entrant's name, TRW Tribute). readergirlz will collect all contributions and post them at the rgz blog in a tribute that will run October 23.

Watch the rgz Teen Read Week trailer and get psyched. Then, send in your links by October 21!


  1. i have a banner in my side bar but posted this ages ago:

    So excited that you ladies will be doing this again. It's always wicked fun.
    keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for spreading the word, yabooknerd! Fantastic!

    Let us know if you post another blog with a shoutout for Teen Read Week you'd like to see here as well. Maybe a quote with your YALSA love or why you love to read...

  3. Already posted a blog about it, but will do another one again! And also one about the chat with libba bray. I have her book A great and terrible beauty a while on my to-read pile, but will start reading it now!
    Looking forward to Teen Read Week!
    have a nice weekend Readergirlz!

  4. Let us know if you post another blog with a shoutout for Teen Read Week you'd like to see here as well.


  5. Hooray, ladies!! We already made a brief announcement about it on Finding Wonderland, and I'll do my best to keep posting reminders.

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