
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September: Reach Out, Human Rights First

In Graceling, Katsa's original duties are to torture and kill for her king. Our Reach Out focus this month is with Human Rights First, an organization that recently launched two films exploring the way Hollywood portrays interrogation and torture on TV and how that can unrealistically influence soldiers.

1. Watch the 14-minute Primetime Torture film (split into two video segments).

2. Share the videos on Facebook, MySpace, or your blog.

3. And if you feel compelled, sign the I do not support torture pledge.


  1. I think what's unrealistic is the idea that soldiers can't tell the difference between hollywood and reality. Soldiers face dangers that most of us, safe and happy in the U.S., can't imagine. To suggest that they would mistake some phony hollywood blockbuster for reality--much less let it influence their behavior--is both simplistic and insulting to the men and women of our military who are fighting real wars on real battlefields all over the world.

  2. I hear what you are saying, Tice. Thanks for speaking up.

    I debated over this as we chose what to highlight this month. I did feel we could draw attention to this effort because as a country we don't support torture of our enemies, and it is a good fit with Graceling.

    I agree with you that our soldiers are trained to face dangers we can't imagine. I'm confident in their abilities.

    I also agree Hollywood could make a better effort to represent reality for our young teens who may in the future serve us.

    There's always room for growth as well as an expression of thanks to each person serving for our freedom.

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