
Thursday, September 10, 2009

September: Mind readers

Katsa has to deal with Po reading her mind. What do you think it would be like if someone you loved could read your mind? Eek! (That last bit is me, Lorie Ann. :~)


  1. Dreadful. Simply dreadful--if anyone at all could read my mind. What lack of privacy, what intrusion, what invasion of the self. Equally bad would be the ability to read other's minds--all that noise!!!!

  2. Ooooh spooky! Can't wait to read it.

    I just finished Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman and It was Amazing.... seriously I can't wait for you guys to read it if you already haven't. HOoray!


  3. Oh, gosh, I would HATE that. Hate feeling like my thoughts weren't all my own.

  4. I think I would find it creepy and insidious, and I would find it very, very hard to learn to trust the person doing it. Pretty eyes wouldn't go very far to make up for it. :o)

  5. Thanks for the recommend, Callalilyray!

    Mostly if someone could read my mind, I think they'd be disappointed. That would be my biggest fear. Of letting them down. But then they'd know me as much as I do, I guess.

    I always thought it would be cool to be Deanna Troi on Star Trek's Next Generation. Not to have to wear her tight suit though. Ha!

  6. It would not be cool if the one I loved could read my mind. He does not need to know how I really feel about that cowboy shirt he just bought.

    In all seriousness though, it would be awful. Everyone needs secrets I think. Sometimes it's nice to feel that there's nobody closer to you than you.

  7. It would be horrible to have no privacy and to truly, not be able to be yourself around the person you loved. With love comes a vast array of emotions, not always pretty, and to have to constantly guard against a mind reader, or to have to change what you think so your love doesn't get hurt by your thoughts...I'd think there would be a lot of resentment.

  8. Yes, it could and would be creepy, and more than a little intrusive, but if you are honest, genuine, and wear your heart on your sleeve already, you may find that you naturally express what's on your mind and thus people wouldn't be as shocked by your thoughts as you fear they may be!

  9. Ooh, I'd really not like it if people could read my mind. However, it might change how I think, right? I might get kinder. Or more lighthearted. And if we could read everyone's minds maybe we'd all change for the better?

  10. Good point, Little Willow! But, aren't you ever honestly, genuinely inappropriate in your mind? Or immature? Or malicious, if only for a moment? :o) I know I am. I like thinking about Melissa's idea, too, though. If everyone could read everyone's mind, we'd all get used to trying to filter out what doesn't matter. But would we really always know what doesn't matter? And what about secrets? Would they no longer exist as a concept?

  11. Interesting. But if there were a filter--if we all learned to filter out the bad stuff we think before we think it--where would all that stuff be filtered to? I think it would all go deeper underground into our subconscious mnds where it could potentially be very damaging.

  12. I think it would be fun, useful and creepy at the same time. You would be able to communicate without others knowing, therefore sharing intimate moments without people eavesdropping. But that would probably be cool for a few days, and then things would probably get spooky and weird. I don't think I would like that at all actually, but would love to have a go at it if I could, just to see (hum, hear) what it's like.

  13. Yes, there would be no secrets! Very difficult. I love how Katsa handles Po's mind-reading though. It puts her in a terrible situation, yet she uses it to communicate to him while keeping Bitterblue safe (kind of like parents spelling words they don't want the child to overhear) I found the whole concept played out in the book fascinating.

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