
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rgz HOST: Heather Davis Release Party!

Hello, readergirlz! Proof that this fall is chock full of awesome YA book events: I'm back already, this time freshly home from the release party for debut novelist Heather Davis's Never Cry Werewolf!

The party went down at Queen Anne Books.

This was Heather's very first event for her very first book: she was so excited, and I was so happy for her. Tons of friends, family, and readers turned out. Some of her former students even drove two hours to support her!

Here's Heather with the awesome bookseller Tegan, who has great taste and was super-thrilled to share her enthusiasm with the crowd.

Next, it was time for Heather to read. Historic moment! Her first reading! It was great -- spunky, funny, vivid.

Friends were in abundance! Here's Heather with author Dona Sarkar. These girls do a blog called Books, Boys, Buzz with each other, and with more awesome YA writers. Visit to find out who!

I feel like you girlz are probably getting tired of this series of Photos of Liz Smiling Next to Authors, but here's one more for posterity.

Before I left, I had to grab a snack from the table. Heather says that gummi worms play a pivotal role in the book. I'm off to read and discover what it is!


  1. I love the photos of you with the authors, Liz! Adorable.

    Thanks for keeping us up to speed. Great work!

  2. I love the Liz-with-authors photos too! Keep them coming!

    Sounds like a Fun event!

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