
Monday, September 14, 2009

Janet Lee Carey's Stealing Death Party & Meeting Melissa Walker!

Janet Lee Carey's STEALING DEATH party was so much fun! She had an amazing live Marimba band (wish I'd caught some on video!), an intriguing reading (plus her inspiration, which I always find fascinating), a dance performance straight from the pages of the novel, and of course many friends, including Dia Calhoun, Justina Chen Headley, Peggy King Anderson, Kathryn Galbraith, Katherine Bond, Molly Blaisdell, and so many more.

I'd met Deb Caletti a couple of times in person and we've had some correspondence, so it was an honor to get to talk with her and swap stories. She is so gorgeous and talented and amazing, truly.

And who should show up but the very beautiful and gifted Maya Ganesan, blogger and poet, with her family. What a treat to meet her in person!

Then on Sunday, Melissa Walker was in town! Several of us readergirlz divas (we missed you, Justina!) chatted over coffee at the now famous Seattle cafe, Bedlam. Isn't it funny, how you see someone on blogs and videos and Facebook and it's still so surreal and cool to get to meet them in real life? Here we are, divas minus one (Left to right: Lorie Ann Grover, Melissa Walker, Dia Calhoun, and me):

Happy week, everyone!


  1. I agree! Janet's party was a lot of fun!!

  2. I'm pleased to hear that so many wonderful folks were in attendance and able to help Janet celebrate!

  3. Wish I had made it to Janet's! So much fun hanging out in person, ladies!

  4. Oh, I would give so much to have been there! So glad a good time was had by all, though!

  5. The party was so fun with so many friends there. The Diviners (my beloved critique group)were there greeting all and bringing treats and manning the PlayPumps fundraiser table. The readergirlz divas were shining as always. Fun to have Deb Caletti there too! Holly, I heard your cookies were sensational! I didn't taste any. Too busy rushing about. The whole party was like a dance. Thanks divas for all you did to make the party sing.

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