
Monday, August 24, 2009

New rgz SALON Appointment!

I'm so happy to announce we have a new rgz SALON appointment: Lyn Miller-Lachmann! She is both an author and the editor of MultiCultural Review. We recently chatted at ALA where she spoke of one of her contributors, Sandhya Nankani who has reviewed YA titles, like our own Mitali Perkin's Secret Keeper. As we continued to chat, Lyn herself graciously offered to donate her time to rgz and review YA multicultural works. Perfect, right?

Lyn's newest novel is:

Give a big welcome to Lyn! And watch for her posts as early as September.

My website


  1. Welcome, Lyn! So happy to have your here.

  2. What a great partnership! Always on the move, readergirlz. Did you hear I'm coming to Seattle to speak at SCBWI WWA thanks to you, no doubt?

  3. Hi, Lorie. Thanks for the fine welcome and the invitation to review. I look forward to covering multicultural YA (and a few MG and adult) titles.

    You can check out some of my writing, including reviews of a trio of picture books on human rights for kids, at my web site: The reviews are on my blog. There's also information about Gringolandia on the site and a teacher's guide.

  4. Congrats, Lyn! We look forward to finding out more about you!

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