
Thursday, August 6, 2009

August: How close are you to your parents?

Throughout the book, Kendra wishes to get closer to her mother. Do you wish you were closer to one of your parents? What steps can you take to strengthen this bond?


  1. I was always closer to my dad than my mom, and I did sometimes wish for more closeness with my mom. Still working on it. There's nothing sinister behind our distances, we're just different people.

  2. I'm really close to my mum and step-dad -- they both work part-time but on different days, so I get to spend a lot of time with each of them. I'm really glad I can trust them both so much.

    Stengthening the bond? I guess you just have to spend time with them. Chat. Maybe go shopping with them. Some parents will be more receptive to this, but I think others might think you're too caught up with your friends to hang out with them.

  3. I've always been extremely close to my mom.

  4. I think a lot of times people are close to their mothers, but not EMOTIONALLY close to them. I felt that way when I was growing up. My mom and I hung out together a lot, but I didn't feel I could tell her everything that was going on in my life, you know, the REAL stuff!

    So a lot of what I wrote in KENDRA came from that place of wanting a real connection with my mom. Only for Kendra, there is more of an emptiness inside of her than I ever felt. Seriously, though, there are lines of dialogue in KENDRA that I think I actually said to my mother VERBATIM!

  5. I am close to my parents now, but definitely was not when I was a teen. I really admire teens who manage to share a close connection to their moms.

    Kendra's craving for her mother's love is so well-drawn. It's interesting, Coe, that this came out of your own experience. Where though, does Kendra's emptiness come from?

  6. I've always been close to my mom, and we've stayed close all the way along, into adulthood. She's a blessing in my life, always there. As a child, I had that father-daughter bond with my dad that was amazing, like we just understood each others' spirits in a profound way.

  7. I've always been close to my mother, we just seem to have really similar personalities, although all this wedding crap is putting a little strain in the relationship. So it's probably a good thing we live 2,300 miles apart...

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