
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 2009: rgz News Flash!

Doesn’t it feel official when you discover you have representation at Wikipedia? Thanks to everyone who contributed to create the entry, especially diva Lorie Ann Grover, and postergirlz Little Willow and Jackie Parker. Check out the entry!


rgz goes graphic!

In July we are chatting with the multi-talented Cecil Castellucci and awesome visual artist Jim Rugg. We’ll be discussing their graphic novels, The Plain Janes and Janes in Love. Jump in the mix with your own Art Saves entry. Check out our Art Saves download to jumpstart your art. rgz LIVE! with Cecil and Jim will be held at the blog on July 22 at 6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern.


Here are the postergirlz recommended reads to accompany The Plain Janes and Janes in Love!

The Opposite of Invisible by Liz Gallagher
A Map of the Known World by Lisa Ann Sandell
Emiko Superstar by Mariko Tamaki and Steve Rolston
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Same Difference by Siobhan Vivian
Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith


Give a big welcome to Liz Gallagher!

We are celebrating a new addition to our team: rgz Seattle Host, Liz Gallagher. Liz is the author of this month’s postergirlz recommended read, The Opposite of Invisible. She has volunteered to join our team and act as a representative for rgz to visiting authors in our area. She will also handle the first round of conference bookings for the divas. Can you see why we love Liz? Give her a big welcome! And if you are headed to Seattle, contact Liz so that we can all party it up!


July Community Service

How do you think ART SAVES? Send us photos of your legal art attacks! Show us how P.L.A.I.N. you are - People Loving Art In Neighborhoods! Impact your community this month with your artistic expression! Find the rgz Art Saves download here! Start sending your Art Saves contributions (artwork, photographs, etcetera) to artsaves(at)slayground(dot)net - Submissions are due by July 20th!


Props to diva Holly Cupala for her new title for her upcoming Harper release in 2010: TELL ME A SECRET. Congrats, Holly!

And kudos to diva Lorie Ann Grover for her latest Scholastic board book release, BEDTIME KISS FOR LITTLE FISH. PW called it “utterly serene from start to finish.”

If you have any suggestions for our award winning online book community, contact us at

Thanks for joining us as we read, reflect, and reach out!

Best in books,

the readergirlz divas~

Lorie Ann Grover, Hold Me Tight
Dia Calhoun, Avielle of Rhia
Holly Cupala, Tell Me A Secret (2010)
Justina Chen Headley, North of Beautiful
Melissa Walker, Lovestruck Summer
readergirlz blog
rgz Twitter


  1. I'm so happy to have Liz on board!

    And to welcome Cecil and Jim!

  2. Woo-hoooo! So many exciting things happening!

  3. Start sending your Art Saves contributions (artwork, photographs, etcetera) to artsaves(at)slayground(dot)net - Submissions are due by July 20th!

  4. This is going to be a great month! Looking forward to finding out more about your work, Cecil and Jim!

    Congrats Holly and Lorie Ann! Welcome Liz! And thank you, LW, for organizing Art Saves!

  5. Yay for Wikipedia! Yes, that is a great entry and I hope we only continue to grow :) I remember back when Readergirlz was just an idea on MySpace and boy have you ladies made it grow into something bigger than life!

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